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Event Sourcing Made Simple

Philippe Creux – RailsConf 2019


1 / 93

Let's build a TODOβ„’ app together


2 / 93

rails new todoz

3 / 93
class Task < ApplicationRecord
4 / 93
class TasksController < ApplicationController
def index
# ...
def show
# ...
def create
# ...
5 / 93

βœ… Complete a task

6 / 93

βœ… Complete a task

class TasksController < ApplicationController
# ...
def complete
task = Task.find(params[:id])
task.update!(completed: true)
render json: task
# ...
7 / 93

Let's record the completion date

8 / 93

Let's record the completion date

class TasksController < ApplicationController
# ...
def complete
task = Task.find(params[:id])
task.update!(completed_at: Time.now)
render json: task
# ...
9 / 93

Let's record the completion date

class AddCompletedAtToTasks < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
def up
add_column 'tasks', :completed_at, :datetime
Task.where(completed: true).find_each do |task|
task.update!(completed_at: ???)
remove_column 'tasks', :completed
10 / 93

I want to know who completed a given task

11 / 93

I want to know who completed a given task

class TasksController < ApplicationController
# ...
def complete
task = Task.find(params[:id])
task.update!(completed_at: Time.now, completed_by: current_user)
render json: task
# ...
12 / 93

I want to know who completed a given task

class AddCompletedByToTasks < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
def up
add_column 'tasks', :completed_by_id, :integer
Task.completed.find_each do |task|
task.update!(completed_by: ???)
13 / 93

Let's add some event tracking

class TasksController < ApplicationController
# ...
def complete
task = Task.find(params[:id])
task.update!(completed_at: Time.now, completed_by: current_user)
track_event("Task completed", task_id: task.id, user_id: current_user.id)
render json: task
# ...
14 / 93

... and email notifications

class TasksController < ApplicationController
# ...
def complete
task = Task.find(params[:id])
task.update!(completed_at: Time.now, completed_by: current_user)
if task.created_by != current_user
TaskMailer.queue_task_completed(task: task, recipient: task.created_by)
track_event("Task completed", task_id: task.id, user_id: current_user.id)
render json: task
# ...
15 / 93

... and an activity feed

class TasksController < ApplicationController
# ...
def complete
task = Task.find(params[:id])
task.update!(completed_at: Time.now, completed_by: current_user)
if task.created_by != current_user
TaskMailer.queue_task_completed(task: task, recipient: task.created_by)
Activity.create!(subject: task, who: current_user, action: :completed)
track_event("Task completed", task_id: task.id, user_id: current_user.id)
render json: task
# ...
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Philippe Creux

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18 / 93

Kickstarter is turning 10 today!


19 / 93

πŸŽ‚ Kickstarter

162,000+ creative projects brought to life
thanks to 16,000,000+ backers
who've raised $4,250,000,000+

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Event Sourcing Made Simple

Philippe Creux – RailsConf 2019


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What is Event Sourcing?

22 / 93

The application state is the result of a sequence of events

Application State


23 / 93

Application State


  1. Task Created
    • title: "Prepare sides"
24 / 93

Application State

β–‘ Task #123: "Prepare sides"


  1. Task Created
    • title: "Prepare sides"
25 / 93

Application State

β–‘ Task #123: "Prepare sides"


  1. Task Created
    • title: "Prepare sides"
  2. Task Due Date Set
    • date: "2019-04-20"
26 / 93

Application State

β–‘ Task #123: "Prepare sides"
Due April 20th, 2019.


  1. Task Created
    • title: "Prepare sides"
  2. Task Due Date Set
    • date: "2019-04-20"
27 / 93

Application State

β–‘ Task #123: "Prepare sides"
Due April 20th, 2019.


  1. Task Created
    • title: "Prepare sides"
  2. Task Due Date Set
    • date: "2019-04-20"
  3. Task Title Updated
    • title: "Prepare slides"
28 / 93

Application State

β–‘ Task #123: "Prepare slides"
Due April 20th, 2019.


  1. Task Created
    • title: "Prepare sides"
  2. Task Due Date Set
    • date: "2019-04-20"
  3. Task Title Updated
    • title: "Prepare slides"
29 / 93

Application State

β–‘ Task #123: "Prepare slides"
Due April 20th, 2019.


  1. Task Created
    • title: "Prepare sides"
  2. Task Due Date Set
    • date: "2019-04-20"
  3. Task Title Updated
    • title: "Prepare slides"
  4. Task Assigned
    • assignee: "Philippe"
30 / 93

Application State

β–‘ Task #123: "Prepare slides"
Assigned to Philippe.
Due April 20th, 2019.


  1. Task Created
    • title: "Prepare sides"
  2. Task Due Date Set
    • date: "2019-04-20"
  3. Task Title Updated
    • title: "Prepare slides"
  4. Task Assigned
    • assignee: "Philippe"
31 / 93

Application State

β–‘ Task #123: "Prepare slides"
Assigned to Philippe.
Due April 20th, 2019.


  1. Task Created
    • title: "Prepare sides"
  2. Task Due Date Set
    • date: "2019-04-20"
  3. Task Title Updated
    • title: "Prepare slides"
  4. Task Assigned
    • assignee: "Philippe"
  5. Task Due Date Set
    • date: "2019-04-24"
32 / 93

Application State

β–‘ Task #123: "Prepare slides"
Assigned to Philippe.
Due April 24th, 2019.


  1. Task Created
    • title: "Prepare sides"
  2. Task Due Date Set
    • date: "2019-04-20"
  3. Task Title Updated
    • title: "Prepare slides"
  4. Task Assigned
    • assignee: "Philippe"
  5. Task Due Date Set
    • date: "2019-04-24"
33 / 93

Application State

β–‘ Task #123: "Prepare slides"
Assigned to Philippe.
Due April 24th, 2019.


  1. Task Created
    • title: "Prepare sides"
  2. Task Due Date Set
    • date: "2019-04-20"
  3. Task Title Updated
    • title: "Prepare slides"
  4. Task Assigned
    • assignee: "Philippe"
  5. Task Due Date Set
    • date: "2019-04-24"
  6. Task Completed
34 / 93

Application State

βœ… Task #123: "Prepare slides"
Assigned to Philippe.
Due April 24th, 2019.


  1. Task Created
    • title: "Prepare sides"
  2. Task Due Date Set
    • date: "2019-04-20"
  3. Task Title Updated
    • title: "Prepare slides"
  4. Task Assigned
    • assignee: "Philippe"
  5. Task Due Date Set
    • date: "2019-04-24"
  6. Task Completed
35 / 93

Nice Properties:

  • you can reconstruct the state at any point in time.
  • you can reconstruct the state up to a certain point in time. Time machine!
  • full history

Events Metadata

  1. Task Created
    • title: "Prepare sides"
    • event.created_at: "2019-04-15"
    • event.user: "Caroline"
    • event.device: "Desktop"
    • event.ip: "92.43.x.x"
  2. Task Due Date Set
    • date: "2019-04-20"
    • event.created_at: "2019-04-15"
    • event.device: "Desktop"
    • event.ip: "92.43.x.x"


  • Task Completed
    • event.created_at: "2019-04-29"
    • event.user: "Philippe"
    • event.device: "Pixel 3"
    • event.ip: "82.23.x.x"
36 / 93
  • Events have metadata associated to them.
  • Thanks to the disconnect between the Application State Data and the Event Data we can store data that we don't need right now but might be useful in the future.

You use Event Sourcing everyday!

37 / 93
  • git working directory is the current state commits are events ** travel back and forth, branch out (what if scenarios...?)

  • business people accounting ledger bank statement: current balance full history

Key Benefits

38 / 93

Full history / audit log

We understand how we got there

39 / 93
  • Make supports easier
  • Make debugging easier. ex: unbounce subscription

Replay events...

to backfill a new attribute

40 / 93
  • events has a lot of data and metadata
  • when adding a new attribute to the application state
  • you can replay events to backfill that attribute with data

Replay events...

to recover lost records

41 / 93
  • a record has been deleted by mistake?
  • you can replay events to get it back!

Replay events...

to fix inconsistent state

42 / 93
  • a bug in your code
  • a race condition
  • or a data migration that went bad can lead to an inconsistent state

  • by replaying events you can get back to a sane state

Replay events...

to travel back in time

43 / 93
  • replay events up to a certain point in time... and you have a time machine.

Forward events...

to your datawarehouse

44 / 93
  • events are first class citizens of you system
  • rather than writing custom code to send events to a datawarehouse
  • forward them as is

Forward events...

to your monitoring solution

45 / 93
  • track application level metrics
  • raise alerts when such metric (checkouts!) is low

Apply events...

to build tailored projections

ActivityFeed, Daily Report etc.

46 / 93
  • We call the Main representation of an entity an aggregate: Task, Subscription, User, Post
  • Other represenations that are tailored to a specific usage or a specific type of user. Great high read / fast read application

Existing event can be used to...

backfill your datawarehouse tables

47 / 93
  • Not only you can backfill new attributes / columns
  • you can backfill the datawarehouse tables as well
  • it's simple function to transform event into a datawarehouse event
  • so you can also re-ingest all the events if something went wrong in the transformation

Existing event can be used to...

backfill your new ActivityFeed feature from Day 1.

48 / 93
  • When you release a new feature such as an activity feed, you tend to only log activity items from the day that you released the feature...
  • or have to write custom code

Great fit for distributed systems

49 / 93
  • evnent as source of truth - first class citizens are great for distributed systems
  • async communication
  • eventual consitency
  • micro services and the like.
  • But you don't have to have such an architecture to benefit from such an architecture.

Great fit for distributed systems

but you don't have to build one

50 / 93

Great fit for monoliths

51 / 93

Event Sourcing at Kickstarter

making it simple

52 / 93


A subscription platform to support creators

53 / 93

Event Sourcing Framework


  • Must be simple to learn and use
  • Must be easy to remove


  • Custom "framework" ~150 LOC
  • Events are regular ActiveRecord models
  • Only change the way we mutate data
54 / 93

Let's build a TODOβ„’ app together


55 / 93

βœ… Complete a task

class TasksController < ApplicationController
def complete
event = Events::Task::Completed.create!(
task: Task.find(params[:id]),
metadata: { user_id: current_user&.id }
render json: event.task
56 / 93

βœ… Complete a task

class TasksController < ApplicationController
def complete
event = Events::Task::Completed.create!(
task: Task.find(params[:id]),
metadata: { user_id: current_user&.id }
render json: event.task
class Events::Task::Completed < Events::Task::BaseEvent
# task is an instance of a Task model (aka "aggregate")
def apply(task)
task.completed = true
57 / 93

βœ… Complete a task

class TasksController < ApplicationController
def complete
event = Events::Task::Completed.create!(
task: Task.find(params[:id]),
metadata: { user_id: current_user&.id }
render json: event.task
class Events::Task::Completed < Events::Task::BaseEvent
# task is an instance of a Task model (aka "aggregate")
def apply(task)
task.completed = true
| task_events |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| id | task_id | type | data | metadata | created_at |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 6 | 10 | Completed | {} | { "user_id": 3 } | 2019-04-01 |
58 / 93

New requirement: record completion date

class TasksController < ApplicationController
def complete
event = Events::Task::Completed.create!(
task: Task.find(params[:id]),
metadata: { user_id: current_user&.id }
render json: event.task
class Events::Task::Completed < Events::Task::BaseEvent
def apply(task)
task.completed_at = created_at
| task_events |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| id | task_id | type | data | metadata | created_at |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 6 | 10 | Completed | {} | { "user_id": 3 } | 2019-04-01 |
59 / 93

Controller doesn't change.

New requirement: record completion date

class Events::Task::Completed < Events::Task::BaseEvent
def apply(task)
task.completed_at = created_at
class AddCompletedAtToTasks < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
def up
add_column 'tasks', :completed_at, :datetime
# Replay events
Task.lock.find_each do |id|
task.events.reduce(task) do |task, event|
remove_column 'tasks', :completed
60 / 93

On a real / live system, this would be a 5 steps process:

  1. add new column
  2. make the event write to both the old and the new column
  3. replay events
  4. stop writing to the old column
  5. remove the old column

New requirement: record who completed a task

class TasksController < ApplicationController
def complete
event = Events::Task::Completed.create!(
task: Task.find(params[:id]),
metadata: { user_id: current_user&.id }
render json: event.task
class Events::Task::Completed < Events::Task::BaseEvent
def apply(task)
task.completed_at = created_at
task.completed_by_id = metadata["user_id"]
| task_events |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| id | task_id | type | data | metadata | created_at |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 6 | 10 | Completed | {} | { "user_id": 3 } | 2019-04-01 |
61 / 93

New requirement: record who completed a task

class Events::Task::Completed < Events::Task::BaseEvent
def apply(task)
task.completed_at = created_at
task.completed_by_id = metadata["user_id"]
class AddCompletedByIdToTasks < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
def up
add_column 'tasks', :completed_by_id, :integer
# Replay events
Task.lock.find_each do |id|
task.events.reduce(task) do |task, event|
62 / 93
  • Controller doesn't change

Side-effects performed by Reactors

63 / 93

Introducing Reactors

  • Reactors are triggered when an event is created
  • They can be associated with one or many event types
  • They can run synchronously or async


  • They are used to trigger side effects
  • They can create other events in turn
64 / 93

Let's add email notifications

class Events::Dispatcher < BaseDispatcher
# ...
on Events::Task::Completed, trigger: Reactors::Task::NotifyCompleted
# ...
module Reactors
module Task
NotifyCompleted = ->(event) do
if event.user != event.task.author
TaskMailer.queue_task_completed(task: event.task)
65 / 93

... and some event tracking

class Events::Dispatcher < BaseDispatcher
# ...
on Events::Task::Completed, trigger: Reactors::Task::NotifyCompleted
on Events::Task::Completed, trigger: Reactors::ForwardEvent
# ...
module Reactors
ForwardEvent = ->(event) do
attributes = event.data.merge(event.metadata)
EventBus.track_event(event.class.name, attributes)
66 / 93

... and an activity feed

class Events::Dispatcher < BaseDispatcher
# ...
on Events::Task::Completed, trigger: Reactors::Task::NotifyCompleted
on Events::Task::Completed, trigger: Reactors::ForwardEvent
on Events::Task::Completed, trigger: Reactors::CreateActivityEntry
# ...
module Reactors
CreateActivityEntry = ->(event) do
subject: event.aggregate,
user_id: event.metadata["user_id"],
recorded_at: event.created_at,
action: event.class.name.demodulize.underscore
67 / 93

Tracking all the things

# Inheritance
Events::BaseEvent <- Events::Task::BaseEvent <- Events::Task::Completed
class Events::Dispatcher < BaseDispatcher
# ...
on Events::Task::Completed, trigger: Reactors::Task::NotifyCompleted
on Events::BaseEvent, trigger: Reactors::ForwardEvent
on Events::Task::BaseEvent, trigger: Reactors::CreateActivityEntry
# ...
68 / 93

Run reactors asynchronously via ActiveJob

class Events::Dispatcher < BaseDispatcher
# ...
on Events::Task::Completed, trigger: Reactors::Task::NotifyCompleted
on Events::BaseEvent, async: Reactors::ForwardEvent
on Events::Task::BaseEvent, async: Reactors::CreateActivityEntry
# ...
69 / 93

70 / 93

71 / 93

72 / 93

1 year of Event Sourcing on https://d.rip


  • 15 aggregates
  • 135 events
  • 60 reactors


  • ~100k aggregate records
  • ~500k event records
73 / 93

Might want to remove those.

Ah ha!

74 / 93

Replaying events is awesome!

75 / 93

Replaying events is awesome!

To backfill new attributes

76 / 93
  • subscription.deactivated_at
  • subscription.duration
  • device.type (ipad, iphone, etc)

Replaying events is awesome!

To recover hard-destroyed records

77 / 93
  • when we decided to switch from hard-destroy to soft-destroy we were able to recover to destroyed aggregates

Audit all the things!

Application state

Subscription #123 – Unpaid


Event Type Data Created At
Unpaid 2019-03-06 22:09:24
FailedToCollect invoice_key: 535 2019-03-06 22:09:22
FailedToCollect invoice_key: 535 2019-03-05 22:06:15
FailedToCollect invoice_key: 535 2019-03-02 22:01:04
PastDue 2019-03-02 22:00:48
InvoiceCreated invoice_key: 535 2019-03-02 21:00:28
Collected invoice_key: 234 2019-02-02 20:52:47
InvoiceCreated invoice_key: 234 2019-02-02 20:52:46
Activated 2019-02-02 20:52:43
Created stripe_key: 123 2019-02-02 20:52:35
78 / 93

Have a full audit-log such as this one is great for:

  • customer support
  • debugging on production
  • debugging in dev or test environment
  • track down race conditions

Ex: subscription status mismatch

Monitor all the things!

79 / 93
  • We use a combination of Statsd + Grafana + InfluxDB for monitoring.
  • All events are sent to Statsd so that
  • We can start monitoring any event - the data is there

Report on all the things!

80 / 93
  • We use a combination of Kinesis + Redshift + Looker for business analytics.
  • All events are sent to our Redshift cluster
  • started to send events to the Redshift Cluster 6 month after going private-beta
  • we were able to backfill the datawarehouse with all the events since the beginning of time

Side effects at a glance

81 / 93
  • DSL to connect reactors to events
  • Reactors only create other events in turn
  • All that chain is logged in events metadata so you can trace the chain of effects that one event has introduced

Side effects at a glance

82 / 93
  • DSL to connect reactors to events
  • Reactors only create other events in turn
  • All that chain is logged in events metadata so you can trace the chain of effects that one event has introduced

Data you write != Data you read

Persist everything in Events

Surface what you need in Aggregates

83 / 93

You don't need to make trade offs anymore when designing

The hard parts

84 / 93

Naming is hard

With immutable events, names are final.

85 / 93

Updating event schemas is (surprisingly) not a big deal

86 / 93

Updating event schemas is (surprisingly) not a big deal

New attributes tend to have an implicit default value

87 / 93
  • For example, adding currency. Default to USD.

Destructuring a request into multiple events is complex

88 / 93

Destructuring a request into multiple events is complex

89 / 93

Destructuring a request into multiple events is complex

90 / 93

Event Sourcing Made Simple

91 / 93

Event Sourcing

  • The application state is the result of a sequence of events
  • Events hold data and metadata available at the time of creation
  • Reactors trigger side effects - and can create events

Key Benefits

  • Full history and audit log
  • Backfilling
  • Fixing bugs is easier - less risk of losing data
  • Events can be forwarded at (almost) no additional cost
92 / 93

Event Sourcing Made Simple


Philippe Creux – pcreux.com


πŸ‘‰ https://kickstarter.engineering/event-sourcing-made-simple πŸ‘€

93 / 93

Let's build a TODOβ„’ app together


2 / 93


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